Lembuswana is a mythological animal from Kutai people since the days of Kingdom of Kutai . Lembuswana became a symbol of the Kingdom of Kutai to Kutai Kartanegara. It has the motto Tapak Leman Ganggayaksa.

Lembuswana is an animal that is purified as it is a Deity in Bathala mounts give youtips and instructions. Lembuswana is characterized as a lion-headed, crowned(symbolizes the might of a King who was considered the ruler and Crown is a sign of the King's powers are considered as gods), with the elephant (the elephant, representing the mean Leman deity Ganesha as the God of intelligence), the wingedgaruda, and flaky fish.

Ancestors of Kutai people trust that the Lembuswana is Mulawarman mounts to, who reigned as King of Kutai about 1500 years ago. It seems similar to the majority of adherents of Shiva in the archipelago, that Bull isthe vehicle of the God Shiva: King of Majapahit ever represented as ShivaThis mythological animals became the symbol of might and authority of a ruler.Elements of the trunk indicates that it was also symbolic figure of Ganesha, the God ofintelligence.

Dayak (Dajak or Dyak), is the name of the tribe that inhabited the coastline of the island of Kalimantan. The tribe was already very well known to the world. This tribe is famous because their Beautiful dance , this tribe is also famous becaus their myth, which is clearly spooky. Their not primitive but instead they keep the ancestral cultures in the middle of the times.

Dayak have an Army that named Ghost Army. Also sometimes called Panglima Burung (The commander of the birds). 
This Army named Ghost Army because the appearance of this army is still mystery for Indonesia people. As the ghost army that is ready to strike anyone who dares to harass Dayak and Land of Kalimantan.

The main weapon of Dayak is Sipet (Blow gun) and Mandau, Specific to the Mandau, this weapon is hereditary and sacred. Mandau created using Mountain Stone and carved with gold/silver/bronze which was later decorated by feathers and human hair. Other weapons are Lonjo (spear), Telawang (Shield) and Dohong (Kris but larger and sharper).

Dayak is indeen well known since long ago because of their Supranatural Abilities. For example Manajah Antang. Manajah Antang is a way to look for clues such as finding the existence of enemy that difficult to discover. Manajah Antang using the Ghost of Ancestors and Antang Bird as media, so wherever the enemy in search will surely be found 

There are many traditional dayak dance, some of dance which are often staged is Kancet Ledo Dance/Gong Dance, Gantar Dance, Kancet Papatai Dance/War Dance, Kancet Lasan and Hudoq Dance. Kancet Ledo Dance/Gong Dance is to depicts meek of dayak girls. Unlike Kancet Ledo Dance, Kacet Papatai Dance is to Illustrates the Prowess of Dayak men. And how about Kancet Lasan Dance? Kancet Lasan Dance is using to illustrates the daily life of Hornbilll.

The first theme is we will discuss about "KALIMANTAN

a little info ...
that "Kalimantan' or "Klemantan" comes from the Sanskrit
, "Kalamanthana" that meaning is an Island with the Air is extremely hot or burning ("kal [a]": the season, time and "manthan" [a]: burn). "Kalamanthana Kalmantan", later called the native "Klemantan" or "Quallamontan" and now it's called "Kalimantan"

What Is #SabangMeraukeProject ?

   #SabangMeraukeProject is my personal project that i will draw digitally about culture of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke ( it could be Tribal, Dance, Myths, Ghosts, and Other) and to give an idea of that image. 

  The theme that is used will continue to change over time, either it will discuss on Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua or even other islands in Indonesia.

Why should using #SabangMeraukeProject Hashtag?

because as I said above, this project illustrates how great is Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke


What motivated you to make this project?

There are an awful lot of Indonesian culture less exposed and even forgotten. If this continues to happen, Indonesian culture can be recognized by other countries because their people don't care. Although it is exhausting for me, but it's not a problem for me, it's a joy to be able to share the knowledge to others. Moreover, I could also improve my drawing skills in this project.

And The goal?

I would like to invite the people of Indonesia to care for its own Culture, and introduce to you guys more about Indonesia with its cool and varied Culture, Because you will know if Indonesia is Wonderfull!! Trust Me!